3 Things To Look For In An After-School Program

After-school child care programs can provide extra stimulation for your child and can help fill in the child-care gap between when your child's school ends, and when you are able to pick them up. When it comes to after-school childcare programs, there are a few things you should look for in order to find the right program for your child.

Thing #1: Food Service

Your child is going to be hungry after they get done with school. You want to choose an after-school program that will provide your child with a nice snack that they will enjoy and that will hold your child over until you can get home and serve their dinner.

Ask to see the snack menu for the past month, and make sure the program serves snacks that your child would enjoy eating. Find out if they serve just one snack or if they give your child options. You want your child to be in a positive food environment.

Thing #2: Teachers

Second, take some time to check out the program and meet the teachers and individuals who run the program. These are the people who your child will be spending time with. You want to make sure that you like the people who will be taking care of your child and that your child is comfortable with them.

Many programs have certain philosophies about how to take care of children, so you need to make sure you agree with the encouragement and consequence systems the program uses. You want an encouragement and consequence system that works with your parenting philosophy and what your child experiences at school.

Thing #3: Activities

Third, you need to investigate the activities and programs that the after-school program offers. There is a huge range of different types of activities that after school programs will set up.

For example, the program could focus on providing extra academic support in a hands-on manner. Or maybe the program offers fun art actives for your child to do, or perhaps the focus of the program is on sports. They may even offer a rotating range of different activities, with Monday being a science-focused day, Tuesday being Math day, etc.

Make sure your child will enjoy the activities that the program offers. You want your child to engage in activities that they will enjoy or that will supplement your child's learning activities.

When choosing an after-school program, you want to find one where you like the food service, teachers and program assistants, and activities the program offers.
