Three Tips To Help Your Preschooler Socialize Better

Even if your child is only attending preschool for a few hours a day, you still want to make sure they are accepted and happy while there at school. Preschool is one of the first chances your child gets to interact with other kids their age. The ability to socialize well with others may not come naturally to every child. When your little one comes home and shares that they are struggling to make friends, it can tear you apart. All parents want their child to be well liked by the other kids. While you cannot go with them to preschool and be their playmate the entire time, you can offer them advice on how to make friends. 

Start Small with Play-dates

You cannot throw your child into a classroom and expect them to walk up and make friends. Instead, you have to take the initiative to slowly encourage interaction with other kids. This can be done by scheduling play-dates with other kids your child's age. Whether it is kids from their class, the neighborhood, or even from church, these small play-dates can help your child boost their confidence when interacting with others by placing them in smaller settings. They will then be more likely to interact with others in larger settings as they learn social skills. 

Take Time to Play

There is no better role model for a child to look to than a parent. It is important that you help provide your child ways to interact with others. You can do this by having play time with your little one. They will learn to take social cues from you. For example, this is a great time to show your child how to share with others and take turns playing with toys. By demonstrating the appropriate behaviors, your child will model that behavior when they do interact with other kids during playtime at school. 

Give Them Time

Preschool is an opportunity for your child not only to grow educationally, but to also grow socially as well. Not all kids will grow at the same pace. Avoid being too pushy about having your child interact with others before they are ready. This can end up backfiring if they start to get too anxious. If you see your child staying to themselves a lot instead of interacting with the other kids, talk to their teacher. Teachers can monitor your child to ensure they gain a sense of belonging with the others and do not keep to themselves each day. This also helps alleviate a lot of your anxiety when you are not around, knowing someone else is helping. 

For more information, contact local professionals like Kid's Country Child Care & Learning Center.
