3 Things To Look For When Choosing A Child Care Program For Your Little One

Now that it's time for your little one to start attending a child care program, it's a good idea to prepare by consulting with various providers so you can compare them to one another. Here are a few things to look for and consider when choosing a child care program to enroll in:

A Daily Schedule 

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a new child care program for your little one to attend is a documented daily schedule. You should be able to gain access to the week's schedule a few days ahead of time, so you know exactly what your child will be doing while attending their program.

Lesson plans, lunch hours, nap time, and even free-play should all be documented on the schedule. When initially meeting with potential child care program directors, as them to provide you with a few weeks' worth of schedules so you can get an idea of what each program offers and compare them side-by-side.

Imaginative Play

It's important that your little one has an opportunity to partake in imaginative play while at their child care program. Imaginative play is critical for proper emotional development and provides children with a variety of benefits to take advantage of, such as improved socialization and problem-solving skills.

Make sure any facilities you consider enrolling your child in make time for imaginative play throughout the day and find out what types of play are encouraged. Are the kids allowed to forge their own way through play time, or do the facilitators direct the action by employing specific types of toys and art supplies? Ask to sit in on an imaginative play session to see what goes on with your own eyes.

Emergency Procedures

How emergency procedures are handled is another important thing to consider when choosing between child care programs. When consulting with potential care facilities, ask for an outline of how they deal with any emergency that may arise. Who is called and where are the children taken in case of a fire? What would be done if your child were to be seriously injured? How many emergency preparedness procedures have the staff been trained on? The answers to these questions would give you an idea of how much you can count on a particular facility if your child were facing danger during their attendance.

Keeping these issues in mind when comparing different child care programs (like Kaye Kare Child Care Center) to one another should help you quickly determine which option will meet your child's needs and wants the best. 
